Volkswagen refunds the clients in the emissions case
As a result of the emissions problem, the costs for Volkswagen will be around 14 billion dollars, only in USA, much more than other producers paid because of the frauds.
The owners of approximate 500.000 diesel cars will be refunded in compensatory damages.
Constitutional Court of Romania: Article 428 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code is unconstitutional
On Thursday, on 30th of June, the Constitutional Court of Romania ruled that the Article 428 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code is unconstitutional. The Court said that conditioning the lodging of the appeal for annulment, for the reason stated by Article 426 letter i Criminal Procedure Code, by the kept of term of 10 days since the person against who the enforcement is being done took acquaintance of the sentence of whose annulment is requested, imposes to the part an excessive condition to bear this extraordinary appeal.
Admission in National Institute of Magistracy
The Superior Council of the Magistracy decided in the hearing from 28th of June that for this year admission exam will be 130 positions for judges and 70 for prosecutors. The first task of the exam will take place on 4th of September 2016.
The stimulation programme for buying new cars: Draft
The Minister of Public Finances has launched in public debate on Wednesday, 29th of June 2016, The Decision Draft regarding the amendment and completion on the Application Norms of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 66/2014 on the approval of the Programme of stimulation of the buying of new cars, with the subsequent modifications and completions approved by the Government Decision no. 1053/2014.
:: The Draft of the Decision
:: The Substantiation Note
Bucharest Court of Appeal judgment on private life of a public person
On 27th of June the Bucharest Court of Appeal ruled that it is not allowed to propagate photos regarding the private life of a person, without its agreement even if he/she is a public person and the photo has been taken in a public place.
Amendment of the Law regarding the execution of the punishments taken by the judiciary organs during the criminal trial: Draft
The Minister of Justice has launched in public debate the Draft of the Emergency Ordinance for the amendment and completion of the Law no. 254/2013 regarding the execution of the punishments and measures that deprive the liberty disposed by the judiciary organs through the criminal trial.
:: The Draft of the Emergency Ordinance
:: The Substantiation Note