Romanian Legal Week: September 19-25, 2016

Government emergency ordinance regarding the civil auto insurance for the damages caused to the third parties through cars and trams crashes
In the Official Journal of Romania Part one, no. 723 from 19th of September has been published the Government Emergency Ordinance regarding the civil auto insurance for the damages caused to the third parties through cars and trams crashes. The ordinance regularizes the necessary measures in order to carry out the targets that aim the stability of the civil liability insurance market and the protection of the consumer interests.

The National Agency for Fiscal Administration (NAFA) on the improvement of the administrative fiscal acts quality in the first semester of the year
The NAFA inspectors have improved the quality of the administrative fiscal acts quality given the decrease by 47% of the number of the appeals filled by the taxpayers in the first half of 2016, according to a statement of the NAFA, released to the public on 16th of September, Friday, 2016.
According to NAFA, in the first half of the year there have been 4185 appeals against imposition decisions and assimilated acts, compared to 7798 appeals in the same period of the last year.
Romania will borrow from IBRD for the financing of a project regarding the integrated nutrient pollution control
Romania will borrow 48 million of Euros for the financing of a project which has as object the integrated nutrient pollution control in order to fits the targets imposed by the EU Directive of nutrients, protection of the water quality by the prevention of the groundwater pollution, according to a statement of the Government, released to the public on 19th of September 2016.
This project which aims integrated nutrient pollution control in Romania will be performed by the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests and will imply investments at the level of the local communities to reduce this kind of pollution, as well as institutional capacity consolidation measures.
Amendment of the Norm on the financial audit activity at the entities supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA). Draft
The Financial Supervisory Authority has launched in public debate on Thursday, 22nd of September 2016, the Draft of Norm for the amendment and completion of the Norm No. 27/2015 regarding the financial audit activity at the authorized entities, regularized and supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority.
:: The Draft of the Norm
:: The foundation note
The sells with low price, verified by the National Authority for Consumer Protection ( NACP)
National Authority for Consumer Protection run during 3-19 August 2016 a control action in order to verify if the legal provisions are being respected in the matter of sells with low prices, no matter their type, according to a statement of the NACP, released to the public on Tuesday, 20th of September 2016.
Following the control there were applied 364 sanctions for non-compliance of consumer protection legislation: 217 fines amounting to 778 200 lei and 147 warnings.