Book launch: Arbitration in Romania, October 27, 2016, Embassy of Romania in Paris

Arbitration in Romania: A Practitioner’s Guide provides an overview of the Romanian arbitration law and practice and is the first detailed presentation in English of the current legal framework applicable to arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution methods in Romania.

The issues and topics covered include: law applicable to the arbitration agreement; appointment, challenge, and liability of arbitrators; taking of evidence; allocation of costs; time limit for rendering the award; role of courts during arbitral proceedings; recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards; regulation of ad hoc arbitration; investment arbitration; domain name disputes; and the role of Romania’s Dispute Adjudication Board.

Venue: Embassy of Romania 5 Rue de l’Exposition 76007, Paris

Timing: 6.30 pm

Reception to follow.

If you wish to joint us you are kindly invited to send your confirmation.

The authors: Flavius Baias, Crina Baltag, Teodora Bantaș-Văduva, Traian Briciu, Ștefan Deaconu, Dalma Demeter, Claudiu Constantin Dinu, Ștefan Dudaș, Andra Filatov, Claudiu Ignat, Crenguța Leaua, Cornelia Lefter, Alina Leoveanu, Mihaela Maravela, Matei Purice, Adrian Rațiu, Ioan Schiau, Andreea Simulescu, Dragoș-Alexandru Sitaru, Ileana Smeureanu, Cristiana Stoica, Corina Tănase, Marin Voicu