Romanian Legal Week in brief: May 1-7, 2017

NAFA. Budget revenue collecting
On Tuesday, the 2nd of May 2017, the National Agency for Fiscal Administration declared that the budget revenue collected during April 2017 amounts to 18,03 billion lei, 1,18 billion lei more than during April 2016.
Revision of restructuring measures conditions for vineyards
On Tuesday, the 2nd of May 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development launched into public debate the bill for revision and addition of the Annex to the Vice Prime Minister’s Order no. 1763/2014 for the approval of methodological Norms regarding restructuring measures conditions for vineyards.
:: Bill
Revisions regarding the transportation system
On Tuesday, the 2nd of May 2017, the Ministry of Transport launched into public debate the bill for the revision and addition of the Government Ordinance no. 43/1997 regarding the transportation system.
:: Bill
:: Annex
NAFA. Tax payer verification operations – 28 – 30 April 2017
On Tuesday, the 2nd of May 2017, the National Agency for Fiscal Administration declared that a series of verification operations took place, between the 28th and the 30th of April 2017, aimed at tax payers carrying out activities that present fiscal risk.
256 were verified on the territory of Romania.
The sanctions deployed were:
- Fines with a total value of 1.196.400 lei
- Seizing of unjustified sums and goods with a total value of 70.196 lei
- Activity suspension of 9 tax payers
Revisions for Government Emergency Ordinance regarding the revision and addition of normative acts from the financial and fiscal system
On Tuesday, the 2nd of May 2017, the Law no. 82/2017 for the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 84/2016 regarding the revision and addition of normative acts from the financial and fiscal system was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 313.
The Ordinance was approved, with the following revisions:
- 229 – The specification of the debtor’s nature
- Throughout all enforceable acts, the enforceable title must be specified, as well as the debt’s nature and quantum that forms the execution’s object
- With exception from par. (1)’s provisions, throughout all the enforceable acts regarding the banking attachment, with the exception of the debtor’s notification regarding the establishing of the attachment, only the total quantum of the fiscal obligations forming the object of the attachment must me specified.
- The sums representing the money income of the debtor who is a natural person, obtained as an employee, through any kind of provision, as well as aid or special-purpose allowances are subject to the prosecution of the income payer only following the conditions set by the Code of Civil Procedure, republished, with subsequent additions.
Revisions for the Program regarding the aid of Romanian economic agents in internationalisation, with state budget financing, during 2017 – 2020
On Tuesday, the 2nd of May 2017, the Law no. 83/2017 regarding the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 8/2017 for the launch of the Program regarding the aid the aid of Romanian economic agents in internationalisation, with state budget financing, during 2017 – 2020 within the Ministry of Business Environment, Commerce, and Entrepreneurship was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 313.
The Ordinance was approved, with the following revision:
For eligibility in the Program, the beneficiary must satisfy cumulatively the following conditions: c) doesn’t register debt from the state budget, respectively the local budgets, for the social headquarters, and for all the work points, from the date of the application’s submission.
Revisions of the Emergency Ordinance for the maritime space arrangement
On Tuesday, the 2nd of May 2017, the Law no. 88/2017 for the approval of the Emergency Ordinane no. 18/2016 was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 313.
The Ordinance was approved, with the following revisions:
- 9, par. (2): in the implementation of provisions from par. (1), competent authorities use official documents and relevant instruments, including those already available through the integrated maritime policy or the national infrastructure for spatial information in Romania, based on the provisions of Emergency Ordinance no. 4/2010 regarding the establishing of the national infrastructure for spatial information in Romania, republished.
- The Maritime Space Arrangement Committee’s structure is assured by a titular member and an acting member, designated by the following institutions with attributes in the area of the present Ordinance’s regulation, as follows: n) “Danube Delta” Biosphere Reserve Authority
Revision of ASF norm regarding the participant transfer through privately managed pension funds
On Thursday, the 4th of May 2017, the Norm no. 12/2017 for the revision and addition of the Financial Supervision Authority’s Norm no. 26/2014 regarding the participant transfer through privately managed pension funds was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 318.
Significant revisions are as follows:
- 2 par. (2) is modified: In the present norm’s respect, the following terms are thus defined:
- Notification – document through which the participant notifies the privately managed pension fund’s administrator whose participant regards their own transfer to a different privately managed pension fund
- Biometric signature – holograph signature used on a specialised computerised medium which records temporal data, as well as the speed and acceleration, pressure used in the singing on the specialised computerised medium, graphic data of the biometric signature, the angle and angle difference used in the singing.
- The following provision is added: the singing of the individual adhering act can be made by a participant on both paper, and the specialised computerised medium by using the biometric signature.