Romanian Legal Week in brief: July 24-30, 2017
Fiscal and budgetary measures in the health field
On Wednesday, the 19th of July 2017, the Ministry of Health launched into public debate the Order for the regulation of fiscal and budgetary measures in the health field.
:: Order
Implementation procedure and unique fiscal group administration amending
On Monday, the 24th of July 2017, the National Agency for Fiscal Administration launched into public debate the draft Order for the amending and completion of the NAFA President’s Order no. 3006/2016 regarding the approval of the implementation and administration of unique fiscal groups procedure, as well as the model and content approval of some forms.
:: Draft
:: Annex
Provision amending general financial framework for use of non-reimbursable Swiss contributions
On Monday, the 24th of July 2017, the Ministry of Public Finances launched into public debate the draft Order for the amending and completion of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 62/2011 regarding the establishing of the general financial framework for the use of non-reimbursable Swiss contributions to Romania through the Swiss-Romanian cooperation program for the reduction of economical social disparities in the European Union, and for the afferent national contribution.
:: Bill
Amending of national education law
Law no. 188/2017 for the completion of the National Education Law no. 1/2011 was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 593, on the 25th of July 2017.
According to the new law, the state makes the undergraduate degree program in pastoral theology free, in private higher-education confessional institutions.
Civil Auto Liability price calculation methodology norm
On Wednesday, the 26th of July 2017, the Financial Supervision Authority launched into public debate the draft for the Norm regarding the CAL price calculation methodology for damage to third parties through vehicle and tram accidents.
:: Draft
Fiscal and budgetary measure regulation
On Thursday, the 27th of July 2017, the Ministry of Public Finances launched into public debate the bill regulating some fiscal and budgetary measures, and completing some normative acts.
:: Bill