Romanian Legal Week in Brief: August 21-27, 2017

Technical norms regarding agricultural register completion for 2015-2019. On Saturday, the 19th of August 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development launched into public debate the draft Order for the approval of technical norms regarding the completion of the agricultural register for 2015-2019. [source]
Norms regarding pharmacy and drug store establishing amending. On Thursday, the 22nd of August 2017, the Ministry of Health launched into public debate the draft order for the amending of Order no. 962/2009 regarding the approval of establishing, organising, and performance of pharmacies and drug stores. [source]
Measures regarding non-refundable European funds. On Thursday, the 22nd of August 2017, the Ministry of Transportation launched into public debate the draft Order regulating certain measures in the area of non-refundable European funds. [source]
Form 110 – Regularisation declaration/income tax return application. On Thursday, the 22nd of August 2017, the National Agency for Fiscal Administration launched into public debate the draft order for the approval of Form 110’s template and content. [source]
Completion of Law for the exercise of the private detective profession. On Thursday, the 22nd of August 2017, the Ministry of Internal Affairs launched into public debate the draft for the amending and completion of norms for Law no. 329/2003 regarding the exercise of the private detective profession, approved through Government Decision no. 1666/2004. [source]
Fiscal procedure Code amended. On Thursday, the 24th of August 2017, the Ministry of Public Finances launched into public debate the draft Order for the amending and completion of Law no. 207/2015 regarding the fiscal procedure Code. [source]
Form template regarding vehicle tax returns approved. Order no. 1144/1672/2017 for the approval of the form template regarding the reimbursement of sums representing the special tax to vehicles, the pollution tax for vehicles, the vehicle-sourced polluting emissions tax, the environment stamp for vehicles was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 688 on the 24th of August 2017. [source]
Registration/matriculation certificate template amended. Order no. 98/2017 for the amending and completion of the Minister’s Order no. 1454/2006 regarding the template, dimensions, and contents of the registration certificate and matriculation certificate.
The elements of novelty are – the changing of `Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs` to `Ministry of Internal Affairs`, and of `European Community` to `European Union.` [source]
Completion of list with common international names for medicine. On Friday, the 25th of August 2017, the Ministry of Health launched into public debate the draft for the Government Decision amending and completing the annex to the Government Decision no. 720/2008 regarding the approval of the List with common international names for medicine. [source]