Romanian Legal Week in Brief: August 28-September 3, 2017

Ioana-Cătălina Barbu

National Council of Hunting established. Order no. 1010/2017 regarding the establishing of the National Council of Hunting was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 689 on the 24th of August 2017. The Council releases notices and hunting scientific advice. The Council’s lead by a president, vice-president, and secretary, elected through vote by the other members. [source]

Order Annex for the approval of Norms regarding agricultural life annuity amended. On Monday, the 28th of August 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development launched into public debate the draft Order for the amending of the Annex to the Minister’s Order no. 1272/26.503/2005 for the approval of methodological Norms to Law no. 247/2005 regarding the reform in property and justice. [source]

Reform Law in health field completed. On Tuesday, the 29th of August 2017, the Ministry of Health launched into public debate the draft Order for the amending and completion of Law no. 95/2006 in the health field. [source]

Law regarding quality of potable water. On Wednesday, the 30th of August 2017, the Romanian Government amended and completed Law no. 458/2002 regarding the quality of potable water. As such, water safety plans will become mandatory starting with 2021, for water supply systems, collective and individual, providing a quantity of water larger than 1000 mc/day or meant to more than 5000 people. [source]

Facilities for long-stay visas and extending the right to short-term stay for certain categories of foreign citizens. On Wednesday, the 30th of August 2017, the Ministry of Internal Affairs launched into public debate the bill regarding the regulating of facilities for long-stay visas and extending the right to short-term stay for certain categories of foreign citizens. [source]

National Agency for Housing budget amended. On Friday, the 1st of September 2017, the Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds launched into public debate the Bill regarding the amending of the budget for 2017. [source]

Ioana-Cătălina Barbu