Romanian Legal Week in brief: September 11-17, 2017
Hydromineral resource law. On Monday, the 11th of September 2017, the Ministry of Economy launched into public debate the hydromienral resource law. [source]
Completion of Government Ordinance regarding cinematography. On Tuesday, the 12th of September 2017, the Ministry of Culture and National Identity launched into public debate de draft for the Government Emergency Ordinance amending and completing Government Ordinance no. 39/2005 regarding cinematography. [source]
Methodological norms regarding vineyard investments amended. On Tuesday, the 12th of September 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development launched into public debate the draft Order for the amending and completion of methodological norms regarding implementation conditions for investments eligible for financing in the National Support Program of Romania in the vineyard area 2014-2018. [source]
Category rearrangements of national interest roads. Order no. 1297/2017 for the approval of Norms for category rearranging of roads of national interest was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 734 on the 12th of September 2017.
As such, roads of national interest are:
- Motorways intended for exclusive circulation of motor vehicles, with 2 unidirectional ways, and at least 2 lanes per way.
- Express roads susceptible to prohibition of certain categories of vehicles, and where voluntary stops and parking are prohibited.
- European national roads (E), open to international traffic.
- Main national roads, ensuring a connection with the capital and county residence cities, as well as border control points.
- Secondary national roads, that can’t be included in any other category. [source]
Amending of methodology regarding prices for protected natural areas visits. On Thursday, the 14th of September 2017, the Ministry of Environment launched into public debate the draft for the amending and completion of the methodology for prices established by administrators of protected natural areas for visits, document analysis, notice issuing, and commercial photography and filming. [source]