Romanian Legal Week in brief: January 1-7, 2018
Law regarding public-private partnership amended. On Thursday, the 28th of December 2017, Government Ordinance no. 104/2017 amending and completing Law no. 233/2016 regarding the public-private partnership was published in the Official Journal of Romania. [source]
Law regarding fire protection. On Friday, the 29th of December 2017, the Ministry of Internal Affairs launched into public debate the draft for an EGO amending and completing Law no. 307/2006 regarding fire protection. [source]
List of international names for medicine. On Friday, the 29th of December 2017, the Ministry of Health launched into public debate a bill amending and completing the Annex to Government Decision no. 720/2008 approving the List containing common international names for medicine that insured people benefit from, as well as names for medicine given in national health programs. [source]
Upper-limit price caps on medicine. On Friday, the 29th of December 2017, the Ministry of Health launched into public debate a draft completing Annex no. 1 to the minister’s Order no. 251/2017 approving upper-limit price caps on medicine used/commercialised by medical services distributors in contractual relations with the Ministry of Health, health insurance entities, public health institutions, found in the national catalogue of authorised medicine prices. [source]