Romanian Legal Week in brief: January 8-14, 2018
Norms in the pharmacovigilance field repealed. On Friday, the 5th of January 2018, the Ministry of Health launched into public debate the draft order repealing some orders regulating the pharmacovigilance field. [source]
State aid regarding fuel used in agriculture. On Tuesday, the 9th of January 2018, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development launched into public debate the draft completing art. 10 of Government Ordinance no. 1174/2014 creating an aid scheme reducing the fuel excise in agriculture. [source]
Human transplant law. On Wednesday, the 10th of January 2018, the Ministry of Health launched into public debate the human transplant law. [source]
Government Ordinance regarding toll on public roads. On Thursday, the 11th of January 2018, the Ministry of Transportation launched into public debate a draft Order amending annex no. 1 to Government Ordinance no. 15/2002 regarding the toll on public road use in Romania. [source]