Romanian Legal Week in brief: February 12-18, 2018

Ioana-Cătălina Barbu

Order regarding payment schemes in agriculture for 2015-2020 amended. On Friday, the 9th of February 2018, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development launched into public debate a draft Order amending the Minister’s Order no. 619/2015 approving eligibility criteria, specific conditions and implementing solution for payment schemes acc. to art. 1 (2, 3) of Emergency Government Ordinance no. 3/2015 approving payment schemes applied in agriculture during 2015-2020, and amending art. 2 of law no. 36/1991 regarding agricultural societies and other forms of association in agriculture, as well as implementation conditions for compensatory measures. [source]

New provisions regarding some fiscal-budgetary measures. Emergency Government Ordinance no. 3/2018 regarding some fiscal-budgetary measures was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 124 on the 8th of February 2018. During the period when natural persons, acc. to art. 1 (2), art. 23 (2), and art. 32 of EGO no. 158/2005 regarding holidays and health insurance compensation, benefited from medical leave and such compensations, where the calculated monthly based on health insurance contributions owed to the social insurance budget is the sum consisting of the health insurance compensation legally owed, and the social contributions insurance according to art. 138 (a). [source]

Regulations regarding state control of construction quality. On Tuesday, the 13th of February 2018, the Ministry of Rural Development and Public Administration launched into public debate a draft approving Regulations regarding state control of construction quality. [source]

Ioana-Cătălina Barbu