Romanian Legal Week in brief: April 23-29, 2018
Real estate publicity. New provisions regarding personal data processing. On Monday, the 23rd of April 2018, GEO no. 31/2018 amending and supplementing real estate cadastre and publicity law no. 7/1996 was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 353. [source]
Annex to social insurance contract form. On Tuesday, the 24th of April 2018, the Ministry of Labour and Social Justice launched into public debate a draft order amending Annex no. 1 to Order no. 489 from January 8 2018 approving the form of the social insurance contract, and its annex. [source]
Annex regarding international common names for medicine supplemented. On Wednesday, the 25th of April 2018, the Ministry of Health launched into public debate the Government decision amending and supplementing annex to Government decision no. 729/2008 regarding the list of international common names for medicine. [source]
Inventory value of certain goods amended. On Wednesday, the 25th of April 2018, the Ministry of Health launched into public debate the Government Decision amending the name, identification data and inventory value of certain goods in the public domain and in the Ministry’s administration. [source]