Romanian Legal Week [June 18-24, 2018]: Measures limiting the consumption of energy drinks. Financing guide regarding charging stations for electric vehicles. Order regarding public order and safety maintenance amended
Measures limiting the consumption of energy drinks. On Thursday, the 14th of June 2018, the Ministry of Health launched into public debate a draft Government Decision establishing measures for the prevention and limiting of energy drink consumption by the population. [source]
Financing guide regarding charging stations for electric vehicles. On Friday, the 15th of June 2018, the Ministry of Environment launched into public debate a draft Order approving the financing guide for the program regarding warehouse-effect gas emissions in transportation by promoting an infrastructure for electric vehicles – charging stations. [source]
Order regarding public order and safety maintenance amended. On Thursday, the 21st of June 2018, the Ministry of Internal Affairs launched into public debate a draft Order amending and supplementing Order no. 60/2010 regarding the organising and enforcement of activities for public order and safety maintenance. [source]