Methodological norms regarding financing of sports activities. On Monday, the 30th of July 2018, Decision no. 569/2019 amending and supplementing the financial norms for sports activities, approved through Government Decision no. 1447/2007 was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 661. [source]
Law regarding water supply and sewerage services amended. On Tuesday, the 31st of July 2018, Law no. 215/2018 amending and supplementing the Law regarding water supply and sewerage services no. 241/2006, and repealing par. 2 or art. III from Law no. 224/2015 amending and supplementing the same Law was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 664. [source]
Law regarding protection of animals used for scientific purposes amended. On Wednesday, the 1st of August 2018, Law no. 199/2018 regarding the protection of animals used for scientific purposes was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 669. [source]
Annex to order regarding therapeutic protocols for prescription medicine amended. On Thursday, the 2nd of August 2018, the Ministry of Health set for public debate a draft Order amending and supplementing Annex no. 1 to Order no. 1301/500/2008, regarding the approval of therapeutic protocols for prescription medicine. [source]