RLWeek September 10-16, 2018: Medicine prices approved | Regulations regarding forest fund wood mass | Hygiene and public health provisions amended
Medicine prices approved. On Tuesday, the 11th of September 2018, the Ministry of Health set for public debate a draft Order approving the prices for medicine found in the National Catalogue of prices for human-use medicine authorised in Romania. [source]
Regulations regarding forest fund wood mass. On Tuesday, the 11th of September 2018, the Ministry of Waters and Forests set for public debate a draft decision amending and supplementing the Regulations capitalising the wood mass of the public forest fund. [source]
Hygiene and public health provisions amended. On Monday the 10th of September 2018, the Ministry of Health set for public debate a draft Order amending the hygiene and public health provisions regarding the populations’ lifestyle, approved through Order no. 119/2014. [source]