RLWeek March 4-10, 2019: Law regarding ride hailing services amended. Methodological norms regarding credit institutions and capital adequacy amended. Law approving EGO regarding certain fiscal and budgetary measures amended
Law regarding ride hailing services amended. On Friday, the 1st of March 2019, the Ministry of Regional Development and Administration set a draft Emergency Government Ordinance for public debate; the EGO establishes certain measures in the field of road transport, as well as amends Law no. 38/2003. [source]
Methodological norms implementing provisions of chapter V, title II, part II of EGO regarding credit institutions and capital adequacy amended. On Monday, the 4th of March 2019, Order no. 1156/1697/2019 amending and supplementing methodological norms implementing provisions of chapter V, title II, part II of EGO no. 99/2006, approved through Order no. 509/2471/2009 was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 170. [source]
EGO no. 12/2019 amending certain normative acts in the justice field. On Thursday, the 7th of March 2019, Emergency Government Ordinance no. 12/2019 amending and supplementing certain normative acts in the justice field was published in The Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 185. [source]
Law approving EGO regarding certain fiscal and budgetary measures amended. On Thursday, the 7th of March 2019, the Ministry of Public Finances set for public debate the EGO draft regarding the prorogation of certain terms, as well as completing article II of Law no. 145/2018 approving EGO no. 18/2018 regarding certain fiscal and budgetary measures, as well as amending and supplementing certain normative acts. [source]