Society law no. 31/1990 amended. Society law no. 31/1990 was amended and supplemented through Law no. 102/2020, published in the Official Journal of Romania no. 583/2020 on Thursday, the 2nd of July 2020. The law entered into force the 5th of July 2020. [source]
Fiscal code provision regarding income tax exemptions. On Monday, the 6th of July 2020, Law no. 104/2020, supplementing art. 60 (1) of Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part 588. [source]
Law preventing and controlling money laundering and terrorism financing amended. On Monday, the 6th of July 2020, Law no. 108/2020 amending and supplementing Law no. 129/2019 regarding the prevention and control of money laundering and terrorism financing was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part 588. [source]
National education law supplemented. On Monday, the 6th of July 2020, Law no. 109/2020 supplementing the National education law no. 1/2011 was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part 590. [source]
Law regarding unitary public pensions system supplemented. On Tuesday, the 7th of July 2020, Emergency Government Ordinance no. 108/2020 supplementing Law no. 263/2010 regarding the unitary public pensions system was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part 595. [source]
Forms 101 and 120 contents and templates approved. On Thursday, the 9th of July 2020, the National Agency for Fiscal Administration published the order project amending and supplementing Order no. 3386/2016 approving the template and contents of Forms 101 and 120. [source]
Annex no. 4 to Form 100 amended. On Friday, the 10th of July 2020, the National Agency for Fiscal Administration published the order project amending Annex no. 4 Instructions to filling out form 100 through Order no. 587/2016 approving the template and contents. [source]