STOICA & Asociatii : Promotions and changes of the team
Starting on September 1, 2012, STOICA & Asociații announces the promotion as partners of lawyers Bogdan Dragoş and Claudiu Galu.
Bogdan Dragoş is a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2007 and joined STOICA & Asociatii in the spring of 2012, bringing a strong professional experience: Dragoş started his career as judge in 1999, he was vice-manager of the National Institute of Magistracy (NIM) in the period 2004 – 2005, he took part in various professional learning activities in Romania and abroad: Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature de Bordeaux (France), National Judicial Institute of Ottawa (Canada), internship with the World Intellectual Property Organization, practice in courts in Germany. In 2005 – 2006, he was a jurist at the European Court of Human Rights. Dragoş has published, alone or in cooperation with other authors, more than 20 studies, articles and jurisprudence notes.
At STOICA & Asociatii, Dragoş Bogdan is specialized and involved in intellectual property, benefiting from his experience as co-author of the treaties “Mărcile şi indicaţiile geografice” [Trademarks and geographical indications] (2003, Ed. All Beck), “Dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe” [The copyright and the neighboring Rights] (2005, All Beck), his specialization obtained at World Intellectual Property Organization, as well as an important activity as lawyer in this field. He is a Trainer in ECHR’s case-law at NIM and lecturer at the National Institute for Lawyers in the same field; he is an author of e-learning courses for both institutions. He is a founder and member of the scientific council of the publications “Revista Româna de Proprietate Intelectuală” (“Romanian IP Review“), “Buletinul CEDO” (ECHR’s case-law Bulletin) (2008-2010), member of the editors’ board of the journal “Pandectele Saptamânale” and coordinator of the ECHR section of the website He is also author of numerous books and studies on the ECHR case-law in the field of the civil trial, arrest, etc.
Claudiu Galu is a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2003. Claudiu obtained a Master in law and acquis communautaire – Law Faculty of the Timişoara University and a Master in labour and industry law – Law Faculty of the Bucharest University. He started his activity with STOICA & Asociaţii in 2004, and in 2008 he became senior associate lawyer. He participated constantly in representation of the Romanian and foreign clients in civil and commercial litigations, in administrative and fiscal litigations or in labor litigations, banking, insolvency. His loyalty and dedication have highlighted him as one of the trusted lawyers of STOICA & Asociatii team. Currently, Claudiu is involved in banking, insolvency and real estate.
Starting on September 1, 2012, in the team of STOICA & Asociatii, Valentina Preda and Oana Zama have been promoted as Managing Associate while Andra Roxana Ilie and Bogdan Popescu have been promoted as Senior Associate.
Oana Zama is a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2006, joining STOICA & Asociaţii team in the same year. Oana has a Master in Business Law – Law Faculty of the Bucharest University and is dedicated to fiscal and administrative litigations, employment law, commercial and real estate.
Valentina Elena Preda is a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2006, joining STOICA & Asociaţii team in the same year. Valentina earned a Master in Criminal Law – Law Faculty of the Bucharest University and primarily represents Romanian and foreign clients in commercial litigations, intellectual property, commercial arbitration, labor law, administrative law, criminal law (banking secret and economic frauds).
Andra Roxana Ilie is a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2009. Andra graduated the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest in 2007 and obtained a Master in Criminal Law – Montpellier I University, as scholarship beneficiary of the French Government (2008); since 2011 she is a PhD of the Law Faculty, Bucharest University. She assists the clients in consultancy projects regarding banking and financial law issues, in energy and telecommunications sectors, factoring activities, commercial contracts and in real estate projects.
Mircea Bogdan Popescu is a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2009. Bogdan graduated Law Faculty, University of Bucharest and the French-Romanian Law College for European Studies in 2007. Bogdan earned a Master in Criminal Law – Montpellier 1 University (first in his class) and he is PhD candidate in Criminal Law – Montpellier 1 University.
Bogdan takes part in the representation of the clients in civil, commercial, intellectual property and competition litigations and in commercial arbitration.
Other news: starting on September 1, 2012 the collaboration contract between Stoica & Asociatii and the attorneys Radu Rizoiu and Lucian Poenaru come to an end, by both parties’ agreement. We thank Radu and Lucian for all the work carried out within STOICA & Asociatii team and wish them success in the attorney-at-law profession.