RLWeek January 18 – 24, 2021: Notification regarding breaching the security of personal data. Guidelines regarding amendment of public acquisition contracts. Organising the sanitary-veterinary and food safety activity. NAFA – Form 100 and Form 710 amended. Approving the centralised inventory of public domain goods. Registration procedure of units and vehicles in the animal safety field.
Notification regarding breaching the security of personal data. On Tuesday, the 19th of January 2021, the European Data Protection Board set for public debate a draft regarding Guidelines 01/2021 on Examples regarding Data Breach Notification. [source]
Guidelines regarding amendment of public acquisition contracts. On Tuesday, the 19th of January 2021, Guideline no. 1/2021 regarding the amendment of public acquisition or sector acquisition contracts was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 56. [source]
Organising the sanitary-veterinary and food safety activity. On Tuesday, the 19th of January 2021, the National Sanitary-Veterinary and Food Safety Authority set for public debate a draft Emergency Government Ordinance amending and supplementing Emergency Ordinance no. 42/2004 regarding the organising of the aforementioned activity and the amending of EGO no. 43/2020 approving certain aid from European funds during the state of emergency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. [source]
NAFA – Form 100 and Form 710 amended. On Tuesday, the 19th of January 2021, Order no. 51/2021 amending and supplementing the National Agency for Fiscal Administration Order no. 587/2016 approving the template and contents of the forms used for declaring taxes and fees, and taxes determined through auto-enforcement or source withholding was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 59. [source]
Approving the centralised inventory of public domain goods. On Friday, the 22nd of January 2021, the Ministry of Justice set for public debate a draft decision amending annex. no. 14 to Government Decision no. 1705/2006 approving the centralised inventory of goods belonging to the state’s public domain. [source]
Registration procedure of units and vehicles in the animal safety field. On Friday, the 22nd of January 2021, the National Sanitary-Veterinary and Food Safety Authority set for public debate a draft Order amending the sanitary-veterinary norms regarding the procedure of registration/authorisation of units/collection centres/origin exploitations and vehicles in the field of health and well-being of animals, of the units involved in the holding and neutralising of sub-products of animal original not meant for human consumption and of processed products, approved through ANSVSA Order no. 16/2010. [source]