RLWeek June 28- July 4, 2021: Law for the implementation of the EU Regulation on the pan – European personal pension product (PEPP) Project. The Chamber of Deputies amended the Criminal Code. UPDATE: Decree signed – July 1, 2021. The official documents that the doping control officer can use have been approved. The Romanian Superior Council of Magistracy approved the Regulation on the organization and conduct of the competition for the position of judicial inspector

Law for the implementation of the EU Regulation on the pan – European personal pension product (PEPP) Project

On Friday, the 2 of July 2021, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection launched for public debate the draft Law on the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2019/1238 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on a pan-European personal pension product (PEPP ), provisions of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2020 establishing a framework to facilitate sustainable investment and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/2088, as well as amending and supplementing some normative acts.

The Chamber of Deputies amended the Criminal Code. UPDATE: Decree signed – July 1, 2021

On Thursday, July 1, 2021, the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis signed the Decree on the promulgation of the Law amending and supplementing Law no. 286/2009 regarding the Criminal Code (PL-x 153 / 14.04.2021), according to a communiqué.

Amendments and additions to the Criminal Code:

– the statute of limitations no longer removes criminal liability in the case of slavery, human trafficking, trafficking in minors, pimping, sexual assault and torture;

– in the case of the crimes of trafficking and exploitation of vulnerable persons, as well as the crimes against sexual freedom and integrity, other than those provided in art. 153 para. (2) lit. c), together with the crime of child pornography, committed against a minor, the limitation period begins from the date on which the person became an adult. If the minor died before reaching the age of majority, the limitation period begins from the date of death [art. 154 para. (4)];

– the deed of the person who, taking notice of the commission of an act provided by the criminal law against life or who resulted in the death of a person, does not immediately notify the authorities shall be punished by imprisonment from one to 3 years [art. 266 para. (1)];

– the act of the person who, taking note of the commission of an act provided by the criminal law, trafficking and exploitation of vulnerable persons or against sexual freedom and integrity, committed against a minor, does not immediately notify the authorities shall be punished by imprisonment from 6 months to 2 years [art. 266 para. (1 1)];

– the special penalty limits for the crime of child pornography are increased by one third if the acts endangered the life of the minor or if the acts were committed by a person who had previously committed an offense against the sexual freedom and integrity of a minor, an offense of child pornography or pimping on a minor [art. 374 para. (31) lit. c) and d)].

The official documents that the doping control officer can use have been approved

It is published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 640 of June 30, 2021, Order no. 93/2021 for the approval of the official documents used by the doping control officer during the doping control, provided by the Government Decision no. 244/2015 for the approval of the Methodological Norms regarding the organisation and development of doping control.

This order approves the official documents used by the doping control officer during the doping control, respectively:

– the handover-receipt report of the kits;

– the delegation issued by the Agency;

– the invitation to the doping test;

– doping control form;

– additional report form – comments;

– supplementary report form – statement on medicines;

– the form for the transport and delivery of doping samples;

– doping control station register;

– failed test report;

– doping control officer report form.

– additional form – The athlete’s biological passport.

The printing characteristics of the official documents used by the doping control officer are provided in annex no. 12 to this order.

The Romanian Superior Council of Magistracy approved the Regulation on the organization and conduct of the competition for the position of judicial inspector

It is published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 628 of June 25, 2021, the Regulation on the organisation and conduct of the competition for the positions of judicial inspector within the Judicial Inspection.

This Regulation lays down only general rules on the procedure for organising the competition, without announcing the opening of an effective recruitment procedure.

Thus, it was established that the registration for the competition for the positions of judicial inspector by the candidates is made by submitting to the Judicial Inspection a draft regarding the exercise of the specific attributions of the position of judicial inspector. The project must be submitted in 3 copies, in letter format, on paper, and in electronic format, on optical medium and cannot be more than 10 pages.

Following the selection of projects and the preparation of the final list of candidates, the effective occupation of the positions of judicial inspector will be done by holding an interview and a written test, the development of which must be announced at least 3 months in advance.