Amendments to the safety requirements for the use of protective equipment at the workplace | Draft. On Thursday, the 19th August 2021, The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection launched for public debate the draft Decision amending and completing Government Decision No. 1048/2006, on the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of personal protective equipment by workers at the workplace. [source]
Trade debureaucratization in Romania. The implementation of the from-farm-to-fork business model | Draft. On Wednesday, the 18 August 2021, The Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism launched for public debate the draft Government Emergency Ordinance No. 99/2000 on the marketing of products and services. The aim of the project is the debureaucratization of trade operations in Romania and the implementation of the from-farm-to-fork business model. This implies an innovative model on product marketing and sales directly from the local producer to the consumer via electronic platforms, social media or market applications. [source]
The expropriation procedures for the extension of the Bucharest belt to 4 lanes to be launched | Draft. On Tuesday, the 17th August 2021, The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure launched for public debate the draft Government Decision on the opening of procedures for the expropriation of all private property buildings that constitute the corridor for expropriation of the public utility project of national interest. [source]
The government adopted a new waste disposal ordinance. In the Official Journal of Romania, Part I No 794 of 18th August 2021, Ordinance No 2/2021 on land-filling was published. This Ordinance has been adopted to regulate the activity of land-filling by progressively reducing the disposal of waste that can be recycled or recovered. This follows the adoption of another Ordinance on the management of packaging and packaging waste, published in the Official Journal, Part I, No 785 of 16 August 2021. [source]
NAFA to amend jurisdiction list with which Romania carries out automatic exchanges of tax information | Draft. On Thursday, the August 19th 2021, the National Agency of Fiscal Administration (NAFA) launched for public debate the draft Order to amend Annex 1 of the Order of the President of the National Agency of Fiscal Administration No. 3626/2016. [source]