RLWeek November 8-14, 2021: Control and certification system in ecological agriculture. Regulation for online platform regarding national electricity and natural gas providers. Law regarding nanny profession amended. Copies of documents issued by other state entities not required by public institutions. Romanian Customs Authority launched after NAFA reorganisation. EGO amending and supplementing competition law. Law regarding arms and munitions amended and supplemented.

Control and certification system in ecological agriculture. On Friday, the 5th of November 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development set for public debate a draft order organising of the control and certification system in ecological agriculture. [source]

Regulation for online platform regarding national electricity and natural gas providers. On Monday, the 8th of November 2021, the National Authority of Regulation in the energy sector set for public debate a draft order approving the Regulation regarding the organising and management of the online platform for changing the national electricity and natural gas provider. [source]

Law regarding nanny profession amended. On Monday, the 8th of November 2021, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare set for public debate a draft Emergency Ordinance amending and supplementing Law no. 167/2014 regarding the nanny profession. [source]

Public institutions to no longer require copies of documents issued by other state entities. On On Wednesday, the 10th of November 2021, Law no. 267/2021 supplementing Emergency Government Ordinance no. 41/2016 establishing certain simplifying measures at the central level of public administration, as well as amending and supplementing certain normative acts, was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 1076. [source]

Romanian Customs Authority launched after NAFA reorganisation. On Wednesday, the 10th of November 2021, Law no. 268/2021 establishing the Romanian Customs Authority, as well as amending certain normative acts, was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 1077. [source]

EGO amending and supplementing competition law. On Thursday, the 11th of November 2021, the Competition Council set for public debate a draft Emergency Government Ordinance amending and supplementing Competition Law no. 21/1996. [source]

Law regarding arms and munitions amended and supplemented. On Friday, the 12th of November 2021, Klaus Iohannis, the President of Romania, signed a decree issuing the Law amending and supplementing Law no. 294/2004 regarding arms and munitions. [source]


Ioana-Cătălina Barbu