RLWeek December 13-18, 2021: Law regarding publicly-funded salaries amended. Inventory data for public domain immovables. Price caps for human-use medication amended. Decision on animal husbandry aid amended. EGO on child allowance increase and 13th disability payment published. EGO increasing pension. EGO regarding contracts for digital content and providers. EGO regarding contracts for goods sales
Law regarding publicly-funded salaries amended. On Monday, the 13th of December 2021, Law no. 288/2021, amending and supplementing Law no. 153/217 regarding salaries for publicly-funded employees, was published in the Official Journal, Part I, no. 1171. [source]
Inventory data for public domain immovables. On Monday, the 13th of December 2021, the Ministry of Justice set for public debate a draft Government Decision updating identification data and inventory value of public domain immovable properties and their transfer from the Superior Council of Magistracy to the Special Telecommunication Service. [source]
Price caps for human-use medication amended. On Monday, the 13th of December 2021, Order no. 2652/2021 amending and supplementing Annex no. 1 to Ministry’s Order no. 1165/2020 approving the maximum limits of human-use medication that is available in Romania and can either be used or commercialised by authorised holders and their representatives, medical service providers, and wholesale distributors, and of medication object to a contractual relation with the Ministry of Health, health insurance companies, found in the National Catalogue of maximum price caps of medication authorised to be sold in Romania, of generic reference price, and of innovative reference prices, was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 1175. [source]
Decision on animal husbandry aid amended. On Monday, the 13th of December 2021, Decision no. 1250/2021 amending art. 19 (8) of Government Decision no. 1179/2014 establishing state aid for animal husbandry was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 1177.
The sum for 2021 reaches a maximum of RON 70,000, of which RON 20,817 are allocated towards bulls, buffaloes, pigs, and horses, RON 39,183 are allocated towards sheep and goats. [source]
EGO on child allowance increase and 13th disability payment published. On Wednesday, the 15th of December 2021, Emergency Government Ordinance no. 126/2021 amending and supplementing Law no. 61/1993 regarding child allowance and compensatory payment for people with handicaps was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 1189. [source]
EGO increasing pensions. On Wednesday, the 15th of December 2021, Emergency Government Ordinance no. 125/2021 amending and supplementing Law no. 127/2019 regarding the public pension system, and amending EGO no. 6/2009 establishing a minimum social pension, was published in the Official Journal of Romania, part I, no. 1189.
The pension point will be increased to RON 1,586 starting with January 1, 2022. Starting with 2023, it will face an increase in relation the average annual inflation rate plus 50 percent of the real income increase. Social contributions for pensioners will be increased to 1,000 starting with January 1, 2022. [source]
EGO regarding contracts for digital content and providers. On Thursday, the 16th of December, 2021, the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Tourism set for public debate a draft EGO regarding certain contractual aspects for digital service and content providers. [source]
EGO regarding contracts for goods sales. On Thursday, the 16th of December, 2021, the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Tourism set for public debate a draft EGO regarding certain contractual aspects for goods sales. [source]