RLWeek January 17-23, 2022: Interest and property statements to be made exclusively online. Romanian Ministry of Justice commences selection procedure for European Delegated Prosecutor. Warsaw Convention report: recommendations for Romania concerning the fight against money laundering. New procedure for technic certification in international road freight transport. Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs addresses the declarations of Russia on the presence of NATO forces on the Eastern flank
New interest and property statements to be completed and transmitted exclusively online
Order no. 887/2022 for the modification and completion of the annexe to Order no. 96/2021 of the Vice President of the National Integrity Agency for the approbation of the Procedure for distance transmission of interest and property statements and its conditions, was published in Romania’s Official Gazette, Part I no. 53, on January 18, 2022.
From the coming into force of this Order, all such statements are to be made exclusively on the online platform of the National Integrity Agency.
Romanian Ministry of Justice commences the selection procedure for European Delegated Prosecutor
The Ministry of Justice has commenced the selection procedure for 13 candidates for this office.
In a report released on Thursday, January 20, 2022, the Conference of the Parties of Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Financing of Terrorism – also known as the Warsaw Convention, evaluates the extent to which 36 states, including Romania, have legislative or other measures in place to ensure that legal persons can be held liable for money laundering offences when they are committed on their behalf and for their benefit.
The report concludes that 17 countries, including Romania, have fully transposed all the provisions of Article 10, advising that Romania pursues the introduction of more precise legislation, while also recommending that Romania develops the jurisprudence in this domain.
New procedure for technic certification in international road freight transport
Order no. 45/2022 regarding the issuance of technic certification for road vehicles that perform international road freight transport, in order to obtain the authorisation of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, was published in Romania’s Official Gazette, Part I no. 66, on January 21, 2022.
The order in question establishes the procedure for acquiring the technic certification necessary for vehicles involved in international cargo transport, with the purpose of obtaining the authorisation of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, as well as the model for these certificates, constituted within the International Transport Forum.
On Friday, January 21, 2022, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a release addressing the declarations of Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the presence of NATO allied forces on the Eastern flank. The Romanian authority has stressed that it finds the allegations “inappropriate and baseless”.
The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that the presence of NATO military forces on the territories of all member states is an implicit, strictly defensive reaction to the attitude of the Russian Federation in the Eastern Neighbourhood, especially since 2014 – since the illegal occupation of the Ukrainian territory of Crimea.
Nevertheless, Russia has issued a requirement regarding the reduction of troops and deployment of all NATO forces in all allied states that joined after 1997. This requirement has already been unequivocally rejected as unacceptable and an attack to the core of NATO’s collective defense system. The Allies have stated that they will pursue the consolidation and collective security policy already commenced, including through the presence of military forces on the territories of allied states.
Alongside its allies, Romania will continue to firmly support the consolidation of the Eastern flank. Thus Romania salutes the recent declarations of France and the USA concerning the intention of deploying troops on Romanian territory, in order to maintain the collective defense policy. Therewith, Romania also has expressed its firm belief that open diplomatic dialogue with the Russian Federation during these times will continue and will lead to the de-escalation of the current situation, for the benefit of the entire Euro-Atlantic space.