The UIHJ (Union Internationale des Huissiers de Justice – International Union of Judicial Officers – was created in 1952. One hundred national Chambers or associations of judicial officers, as well as public services of civil enforcement are currently member of the UIHJ.
The purpose of the UIHJ is to represent its members to international organizations and ensure collaboration with national professional bodies. The UIHJ aims the promotion of international treaties and efficient and effective national procedural and enforcement law; to improve such legislation and to promote ideas, projects and initiatives which help to move forward the profession of judicial officers.
Furthermore, the UIHJ takes part in the organization of judicial officer’s structures, notably via its involvement in the establishment and development of national professional organizations which intend to become members of the UIHJ.
The UIHJ is proactively involved, wherever possible, to strengthen the rule of law, to increase the status of the profession of judicial officer and offer its expertise for judicial reform.
The international congress is the supreme body of the UIHJ, and it is the most important event organized at a world level for the profession of Judicial Officers. The congress not only allows judicial officers from all over the world to meet, exchange ideas and get to know each other better, but also to take part in high quality scientific work.
The International Congress of the UIHJ take place every three years. In 2024 the International Congress will take place in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) from 8th until 10th of May.
The UIHJ in cooperation with the University of Liège (Belgium), the Ovidius University of Constanta (Romania), the University of Paris Nanterre (France), the University of Toulon (France), the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and The South East European Law School (SEELS) is announcing a Call for Papers for the written works published in the framework of the International Congress of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) devoted to the topic: “The Judicial officer: The trusted third party”.
The written works of the international congress will be published by Larcier ( and will contain articles from more than 50 authors from all over the world. Among the authors there are both scholars and legal professionals, mainly focusing on the topic of the congress. The book will be available
for all participants of the congress and will be available through regular sale channels.
We cordially invite students from master 1 and master 2 degree in law and junior researchers (PhD students) from the participating Universities to submit their contribution for the written works of the international congress of the UIHJ in 2024. The authorship is restricted to one author per paper (however a university can decide to extend the authorship to maximum three co-authors per paper. In this case the university will be responsible for the payment for the price for the other co-author(s)).
The papers should focus on the topic of the international congress being “The Judicial Officer: the thrusted third party – Ethics and Discipline at the heart of all challenges”. It has become common practice, also among legal professionals, to develop rules that, in addition to the formal duties as regulated in law, focus on the stimulation and guaranteeing of a well-functioning and stable organization of the profession (i.e., the enforcement profession). The Code of ethics, disciplinary rules, and the development of a framework for professional behavior, responsibilities, and standards of practice (i.e., professional standards) may lift the enforcement profession to a higher quality level and larger acceptance in society. Besides: it can be used as a benchmark for supervision over the enforcement profession and as a guidance for self-evaluation of the enforcement professionals.
The papers should specifically be focusing on:
– The need of high professional standards for the judicial officer or,
– How the professional standard can lead to more activities of the judicial officer or,
– How can the judicial officer be a trusted third party in a new digital world?
The authors must respect the following guidelines for the papers:
– The paper should be written either in French or in English.
– The paper should contain a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 15 pages in A4 size
(between 30.000 and 45.000 characters).
– Font: Calibri 12, single space.
– Footnotes: Calibri 10, single space.
Participants can register by sending by e-mail their name, surname, e-mail, phone number, university where they are registered and the year of study (master 1, master 2 or junior researchers (PhD students)) on follow e-mail address: [email protected]
Every participant will receive an official confirmation after registration.
The submission deadline for this Call of Papers is 1st of September 2023 by sending their paper on follow e-mail address: [email protected]
The five best papers, selected by a jury composed by the President of the UIHJ, the General Reporter of the Congress of Rio de Janeiro and one representative of each participating University will be published by Larcier in the written works of the XXV International Congress of the UIHJ.
In addition, the best paper will be granted with an invitation to the International Congress of Rio de Janeiro held from 8th until 10th of May 2024 (flight in economy class and accommodation included) and the possibility to present his paper during one of the panels of the congress, the second-best paper will
be awarded with 500 EUR and the third-best paper will be awarded with 250 EUR.