RLWeek November 21 – 27, 2022: Changes in drug legislation, Romania leaves Russian-led investment banks, permits for renewable energy

New psychoactive substances included in the term “drug”.

On Tuesday, the 22nd of November 2022, the Romanian Government adopted a proposal completing Law no. 143/2000 regarding the prevention and fight of trafficking and illegal consumption of drugs, therefore classifying new psychoactive substances under the term “drug”. [source]


Romania leaves Russian-led investment banks.

On Tuesday, the 22nd of November 2022, Romania denounced two intergovernmental agreements, regarding two international investment banks where Russia is the primary shareholder – the International Bank for Economic Co-operation, and the International Investment Bank. This withdrawal is set to be made within at least six months from this notification. [source] [source]


EU to speed up authorisation procedures for renewable energy projects.

On Thursday, the 24th of November 2022, EU energy ministers agreed on the content of a Council regulation laying down a temporary framework to accelerate the permit-granting process and the deployment of renewable energy projects. [source]


Ana Banu