RLWeek December 5-11, 2022: Updates on products on EU market, price oil from Russia, rules in public institutions, Russian travel documents and Romanian community centres abroad
Banning products manufactured by forced labor on the EU market
On Monday, the 5th of December 2022, Decision no. 167/2022 regarding the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the prohibition of products manufactured by forced labor on the Union market – COM (2022) 453 final, was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 1163. [source]
EU caps the price of oil originating from Russia
On Saturday, the 3rd of December 2022, Council Regulation (EU) 2022/2367 dated December 3rd, 2022 amending Regulation (EU) no. 833/2014 regarding restrictive measures in view of Russia’s actions to destabilize the situation in Ukraine, the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2368 dated December 3rd, 2022 amending Council Regulation (EU) no. 833/2014 and Council Decision (CFSP) 2022/2369 on the restrictive measures in view of Russia’s actions to destabilize the situation in Ukraine were published in the Official Journal of Romania, series L, no. 311I.
Therefore, the Council decided to cap at USD 60 per barrel the oil price for crude oil and petroleum oils, as well as oils obtained from bituminous minerals (CN code 2709 00) originating in or exported from Russia. [source]
Non-recognition of Russian travel documents issued in occupied foreign regions
On Monday, the 5th of December 2022, Senate Decision no. 165/2022 on the proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council on the non-recognition of Russian travel documents issued in occupied foreign regions – COM (2022) 662 final, was published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 1163. [source]
Regulations regarding copies in physical format for various documents in public institutions
On Wednesday, the 7th of December, 2022, the Chamber of Deputies adopted the legislative proposal amending and supplementing Emergency Government Ordinance no. 41/2016 regarding setting up simpler measures in central public administration institutions as well as other various normative acts (Pl-x no. 146/2022). [source]
Romanian community centres abroad
On Thursday, the 8th of December 2022, according to a press release, Klaus Iohannis, the President of Romania, sent the Law amending and supplementing Law no. 86/2016 on the establishment of Romanian community centres abroad to the Parliament for re-examination. [source]
Melissa Harrocks