CJEU. Mr Vittorio Di Bucci appointed Registrar of the General Court by the Plenary Conference
He will take up his duties at a future swearing-in ceremony
Following the departure of Mr Emmanuel Coulon on 30 April 2023, the judges of the General Court meeting in plenary conference appointed Mr Vittorio Di Bucci on 26 April 2023 as Registrar of the court. He will formally take up his duties at a formal swearing-in ceremony to be held at a later date.
In the meantime, the current Deputy Registrar, Mr Thomas Henze, is appointed Acting Registrar, as from 1 May 2023, until the new Registrar is sworn in.
Mr Vittorio Di Bucci is the third Registrar of the Tribunal since its establishment in 1989. He succeeds Mr Hans Jung (1989-2005) and Mr Emmanuel Coulon (2005-2023).