Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații S.P.R.L. provided legal assistance to the shareholders of Clarfon S.A. in selling a majority stake to V4C Acquisition 1 SRL.
Clarfon S.A. is a major player in the medical apparatus and supplies field of Romania, with more than 18 years of experience in the hearing aids market and a turnover of approximately EUR 9,000,000 in 2022. The shareholders of Clarfon S.A. have developed a complete business model in the field of hearing aids, providing customers with the possibility to treat their conditions in more than 50 offices nationwide, having more than 100 specialists at their disposal.
The Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații S.P.R.L. team was coordinated by Radu Diaconu (Managing Partner) and consisted of Ștefan Mantea (Director), Miruna Coderie (Senior Associate) and Victor Voicu (Associate). They assisted the sellers throughout the entire transaction process, including in the strategy structuring and negotiation phase.
“The Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL team understood our business principles and were always up to our expectations, bringing the transaction to a successful conclusion. We thank them for their availability, professionalism, and pro-business orientation.” said Ionuț Ștefănescu, shareholder of Clarfon S.A.
“We thank the shareholders of Clarfon S.A. for their trust. We are pleased for the opportunity to participate in this transaction and are grateful for the excellent collaboration we have had.” said Radu Diaconu, Managing Partner at Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații S.P.R.L.
About Băncilă, Diaconu şi Asociaţii SPRL
Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociații SPRL is a Romanian full-service law firm, offering both legal advisory services and assistance before the courts of law, with a significant tax policy and controversy (TPC) practice.
Băncilă, Diaconu și Asociatii SPRL is a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Ltd and part of the expanding EY Law global network, which has more than 2,400 lawyers and offices in over 90 jurisdictions.