BONDOC ȘI ASOCIAȚII wins final ruling in controversial issue over the registration of superficies agreements concluded by associative forms of ownership
The litigation, energy and real estate practices of Bondoc și Asociații have won a final ruling of maximum interest for investors in renewable energy who contemplate the implementation of projects in collaboration with associative forms of ownership (e.g., co-possesionship (composesorate), communes (obști), border forests (Romanian păduri grănicerești), political communes, etc.). The final ruling rendered by the tribunal in response to a complaint against the land book registration holds that the land book registrar may not refuse to register in the land book a superficies agreement concluded by an associative form of ownership with an investor on the grounds that the superficies act would be contrary to the rule setting forth the inalienability of lands belonging to associative forms, provided by art. 95 para. (2) of the Forestry Code.