Alpha Bank Romania launches Instant Payments – customers can pay and receive money in a few seconds

Alpha Bank Romania launches instant payments, through which customers – both individuals and legal entities – can send and receive money in a few seconds, at any time: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Through Alpha Bank Romania’s participation in the instant payment scheme made available by TRANSFOND, customers can receive or send money via online banking, in just a few seconds, to almost all the partners in Romania.

“In a world where people expect everything to happen here and now, of instant messages and replies, money also needs to flow in real time, anytime, at any time – Monday to Sunday and during holidays. We are constantly trying to provide modern, fast and secure payment solutions to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers and we are pleased to provide them with the real-time transfers facilitated by the instant payment scheme. Moreover, for Alpha Bank customers the benefit of speed comes at no additional cost”, said Florin Brănici, Digital Banking and Alternative Channels Manager, Alpha Bank Romania.

We welcome our colleagues from Alpha Bank Romania to the family of banks that offer Instant Payments, and we are pleased to see that about 75% of the retail interbank non-card, account-to-account payments market becomes active in real-time, 24/7/365. With Alpha Bank Romania and other members of the banking community that will follow, retail electronic payments in Romania rise to a level where, with a few clicks on any kind of electronic device, at any distance, consumers and businesses are able to pay and collect money regardless the hour, for any daily activity“, said Răzvan Faer, Head of Development Department, TRANSFOND.

Through the instant payment scheme, consumers can send or receive money at any time, even on weekends, holidays, day or night. Money reaches its destination in seconds, whether it’s payments for purchased goods or services, money transfers to relatives, friends or acquaintances, bills or taxes.

Businesses of any size can make quick payments to suppliers, partners or employees, while at the same time the instant payments service offers better liquidity management, financial fluidity and operational efficiency.

It should be noted that the new payment scheme, made available by TRANSFOND applies to transactions of less than RON 50,000.

About Alpha Bank Romania

Alpha Bank Romania is a member of the Alpha Bank Group, one of the largest banking and financial groups in Greece. The international activities of the Group are extended, in addition to Romania, to the United Kingdom, Luxemburg and Cyprus.

Alpha Bank Romania ranks among the top 10 banks in the country, with universal banking operations. The Bank has had a national presence of almost 30 years, offering a wide range of modern services and products for individuals, SMEs and the corporate segment. It is one of the financial institutions that have innovated the banking sector in Romania, being the first bank to launch an application that transforms an Android mobile device into a POS terminal. It was also the first bank in Romania to issue covered bonds in 2019 and the first in the market to introduce housing loans. For more information:


TRANSFOND is the administrator and operator of the Automated Clearing House for interbank retail commercial payments. The company aims to be the main partner of the financial and banking community in Romania in the field of payments (both in local currency and in euro, national and cross-border), of services adjacent or complementary to interbank payments, exploiting to the maximum the proprietary infrastructure and know-how.

The main shareholder of TRANSFOND is the National Bank of Romania, and the rest of the shareholding is represented by 18 commercial banks active on the Romanian market.

TRANSFOND has developed a series of complex and successful solutions, for the benefit of the domestic financial sector, but also of commercial companies and final consumers of financial services: Instant Payments, Confirmation of Payee (SANB), e-Factur@, AliasPay and e-Arhiv@. For more information:,,,