Popovici Nițu Stoica & Asociații with Simona Halep in historic decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport
PNSA has successfully assisted Simona Halep – the former World Number One WTA tennis player and longstanding client – in an historic win before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (TAS/CAS), in a landmark case that made global news headlines in the past year.
On 22 September 2023 the ITF Independent Tribunal has imposed a four-year period of ineligibility on Ms. Halep for alleged violations of anti-doping rules. In February 2024 Simona appealed at the CAS the decision of the ITF Independent Tribunal. In a landmark decision taken by unanimity, the CAS upheld partially the appeal filed by Ms. Halep, set aside the decision of the ITF Independent Tribunal and significantly reduced Ms. Halep’s period of ineligibility from four (4) years to nine (9) months. The CAS decision is final.
Our partner and practice head Bogdan C. Stoica led the PNSA team advising on all matters related to the case ever since its unfolding in late 2022 and was part of the international legal team representing Ms. Halep throughout all legal proceedings before the ITF Independent Tribunal and CAS.
“We are honoured and grateful for the trust vested in us by Simona Halep, allowing us to stand beside her in this complex and difficult process,” said Bogdan C. Stoica.
PNSA proudly acts as special advisor for Simona Halep on all her legal and tax matters ever since 2013.