Acquisition of a majority stake in Agrotex by Promat Comimpex (Ameropa)
PNSA assisted Promat Comimpex, a company controlled by Ameropa Group in a joint venture with entrepreneurs Cristian Moldovan and Dan Corbut, on the acquisition of a 70% share stake in the agribusiness company Agrotex, one of the strongest distributors of agri inputs and outputs in the northern part of Romania, with a rapid growth year on year and a turnover of more than EUR 150 million in recent years. This transaction follows to the previous acquisitions of Promat Comimpex and Agroind Cauaceu, confirming the strong interest of Ameropa Group, the worldwide leading Swiss grain and fertilizer trader, for the Romanian market.
PNSA team was led by the M&A Partner Bogdan C. Stoica along with Senior Associate Claudia Salomia. Competition Partner Mihaela Ion and Managing Associate Laura Ambrozie as well as other members of PNSA M&A team were also directly involved in the Project.
In the recent years, PNSA also advised Ameropa on its entire acquisition and investment program in Romania involving the acquisition of Azomureş Târgu Mureş (the largest fertilizer manufacturer in Romania), Chimpex (one of the largest port operators in Constanta Harbour) and Ameropa Grains (former Comcereal Constanta and top 3 agri inputs and outputs trader in Romania), as well as of various silos, storage and distribution facilities and/or business lines from various players.
PNSA has advised Ameropa for 15 years, since its entry in Romania.