Dr. Florin Ciutacu, Attorney at Law, participant at Common Core of European Private Law

The Meeting will take place in Turin, on November 15-16 2013.
Roberto Unger, one of the most important legal and political philosophers, distinguished professor at Harvard and Minister of Strategic Affairs in the Lula government in Brazil in 2007/2009, will participate in the opening session of the Common Core of European Private Law at the IUC next November 15.

The plenary sessions will be held on Friday morning and Saturday morning at the Teatro Vittoria – Via Gramsci 4.
The three sessions, Tort-Property-Contract, and the small groups’ meetings will take place on Friday afternoon at the Star Hotel Majestic – Corso Vittorio Emanuele 54.

The gala dinner is scheduled for Friday, November 15-th, at 8:30.

:: The source: COMMON-CORE.org