Changes to the subsidies scheme for electricity and natural gas bills and other amendments to embrace the energy crisis

On 13 December 2022, Law No. 357/2022 (“Law 357/2022”) on the approval of Emergency Ordinance No. 119/2022 amending Emergency Ordinance No. 27/2022 (“GEO 27/2022”) on measures applicable to final customers in the electricity and natural gas market in the period… Read moreChanges to the subsidies scheme for electricity and natural gas bills and other amendments to embrace the energy crisis

Recent changes to the legal framework for promoting the use of energy from renewable sources

On 6 December 2022, Government Emergency Ordinance no. 163/2022 (“GEO 163/2022” or the “Ordinance”) for supplementing the legal framework on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and for amending and supplementing certain regulatory acts, was published… Read moreRecent changes to the legal framework for promoting the use of energy from renewable sources

Adjustment of the safe harbor regime for content-sharing platform operators in regard to copyright infringing content

1. General Against the background of a continuous transformation of the realities surrounding us, the European Union institutions have been noted to show an effervescence in their actions meant to cover the gap between reality and the legislative framework. This… Read moreAdjustment of the safe harbor regime for content-sharing platform operators in regard to copyright infringing content

The grid connection – still a bottleneck for renewable electricity projects in Romania?

1. Preliminary aspects [1] On 31 December 2021, Emergency Ordinance no. 143/2021 amending Electricity and Natural Gas Law no. 123/2012 and amending certain regulatory acts (“GEO 143/2021”) was published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 1259 and entered into… Read moreThe grid connection – still a bottleneck for renewable electricity projects in Romania?

101… not dalmatians, but tracking technologies related complaints: highlights on recent case-law

The past months have brought some important decisions from European data protection authorities (“DPA”) with respect to the use of cookies and the transfer of personal data outside the EEA, especially to the USA. This article aims to highlight the… Read more101… not dalmatians, but tracking technologies related complaints: highlights on recent case-law