RLWeek October 19-25, 2020: Government Emergency Ordinance on the establishment of urgent measures to ensure the need for doctors during the epidemiological risk. Amendment of the Statute of the Romanian Academy. Completion of methodological norms for the application of the Paternity Leave Law.

Procedure for engaging joint liability. Draft. On Thursday, October 22, 2020, the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration has launched in public debate a draft order for the approval of the Procedure for engaging the joint liability regulated by… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> October 19-25, 2020: Government Emergency Ordinance on the establishment of urgent measures to ensure the need for doctors during the epidemiological risk. Amendment of the Statute of the Romanian Academy. Completion of methodological norms for the application of the Paternity Leave Law.

RLWeek October 12-18, 2020: Amendment and completion of the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the General Directorate of Passports. Amendment of the Government Decision on the protection of workers against the risks related to exposure to biological agents at work. Regulation regarding the selection procedure of the members of the National Supervisory Council in the Railway Domain.

Establishment of electronic means of remote transmission of implementing acts and the procedure for their communication. Draft. On Wednesday, October 14, 2020, the Ministry of Public Finance has launched for public debate the draft order for amending and supplementing the… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> October 12-18, 2020: Amendment and completion of the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the General Directorate of Passports. Amendment of the Government Decision on the protection of workers against the risks related to exposure to biological agents at work. Regulation regarding the selection procedure of the members of the National Supervisory Council in the Railway Domain.

RLWeek September 21-27, 2020: Guide for financing the National Program for the replacement of used electrical and electronic equipment with more efficient ones from the energy point of view. Instructions regarding the individualization of the sanctions for the contraventions provided by article 55 of the Competition Law. Procedure regulation of the Competition Council.

Guide for financing the National Program for the replacement of used electrical and electronic equipment with more efficient ones from the energy point of view. Draft. On Monday, September 21, 2020, the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests has launched… Read more<strong>RLWeek </strong>September 21-27, 2020: Guide for financing the National Program for the replacement of used electrical and electronic equipment with more efficient ones from the energy point of view. Instructions regarding the individualization of the sanctions for the contraventions provided by article 55 of the Competition Law. Procedure regulation of the Competition Council.

RLWeek August 31-September 6, 2020: Amending and supplementing the Law on some measures for the protection of national interests in the economic activity. Amendment of the Methodological Norms for the implementation of the Government Emergency Ordinance on gambling. Law on certain aspects related to contracts for the sale of goods.

Amending and supplementing the Law on some measures for the protection of national interests in the economic activity. Draft. On Tuesday, the first of September  2020, the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment has launched in public debate the… Read more<strong>RLWeek </strong>August 31-September 6, 2020: Amending and supplementing the Law on some measures for the protection of national interests in the economic activity. Amendment of the Methodological Norms for the implementation of the Government Emergency Ordinance on gambling. Law on certain aspects related to contracts for the sale of goods.

RLWeek July 20-26, 2020: Approval of the Voluntary Guarantee Agreement between the European Commission and Romania. Law for amending and supplementing the Government Emergency Ordinance regarding the traffic on public roads. Regulation on the obligation of professional secrecy and protection of non-public information of the Financial Supervisory Authority.

Approval of the Voluntary Guarantee Agreement between the European Commission and Romania. Draft. On Wednesday, 22 July 2020, the Ministry of Public Finance has launched for public debate the draft decision approving the Voluntary Guarantee Agreement in accordance with Article… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> July 20-26, 2020: Approval of the Voluntary Guarantee Agreement between the European Commission and Romania. Law for amending and supplementing the Government Emergency Ordinance regarding the traffic on public roads. Regulation on the obligation of professional secrecy and protection of non-public information of the Financial Supervisory Authority.

RLWeek June 29 – July 5, 2020: Approval of the payment of voluntary financial contributions of Romania to the OECD and repeal of Government Decision no. 916/2019. Draft. Completion of Law no. 51/1995 for the organisation and practice of the lawyer’s profession. Norms for the protection of classified information in the field of contractual activities carried out within the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Draft

Approval of the payment of voluntary financial contributions of Romania to the OECD and repeal of Government Decision no. 916/2019. Draft. On Friday, July 3, 2020, the Ministry of Public Finance has published the draft Law approving the payment of… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> June 29 – July 5, 2020: Approval of the payment of voluntary financial contributions of Romania to the OECD and repeal of Government Decision no. 916/2019. Draft. Completion of Law no. 51/1995 for the organisation and practice of the lawyer’s profession. Norms for the protection of classified information in the field of contractual activities carried out within the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Draft

RLWeek May 25-31, 2020: Completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance on traffic on public roads. Amendment of the Order for establishing the types of conventions on the transport of persons with disabilities. Amendment of the Government Ordinance no. 6/2019 on the establishment of some fiscal facilities

Completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance on traffic on public roads. In the Official Journal of Romania no. 451 of May 28, 2020 it was published the Decision no. 424/2020 for completing the Regulation for the application of the Government… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> May 25-31, 2020: Completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance on traffic on public roads. Amendment of the Order for establishing the types of conventions on the transport of persons with disabilities. Amendment of the Government Ordinance no. 6/2019 on the establishment of some fiscal facilities

RLWeek April 20-26, 2020: Amendment and completion of some orders of the president of National Agency for Fiscal Administration regarding the approval of the models of some forms used in the field of tax receivables collection. The Ministry of Public Finance launches the electronic multiple payment order. Instruction of the Ministry of Education and Research for creating and / or strengthening the capacity of the pre-university education system through online learning

Amendment and completion of some orders of the president of National Agency for Fiscal Administration regarding the approval of the models of some forms used in the field of tax receivables collection. Draft. On Thursday, April 23, 2020, the National Agency for Fiscal… Read more<strong>RLWeek </strong>April 20-26, 2020: Amendment and completion of some orders of the president of National Agency for Fiscal Administration regarding the approval of the models of some forms used in the field of tax receivables collection. The Ministry of Public Finance launches the electronic multiple payment order. Instruction of the Ministry of Education and Research for creating and / or strengthening the capacity of the pre-university education system through online learning

RLWeek March 23-29, 2020: The Superior Council of Magistracy has established the list of the cases that will be tried during the state of emergency. The National Bank of Romania’s reference interest rate. The granting of the emergency situation certificates to the economic operators in the context of COVID-19

The Superior Council of Magistracy has established the list of the cases that will be tried during the state of emergency. On Tuesday, March 24, 2020, in the light of the provisions of article 3 and article 6 of the… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> March 23-29, 2020: The Superior Council of Magistracy has established the list of the cases that will be tried during the state of emergency. The National Bank of Romania’s reference interest rate. The granting of the emergency situation certificates to the economic operators in the context of COVID-19

RLWeek February 24 – March 1, 2020: Extension of the validity of some contracts for the financing of the systematic registration works initiated by the administrative-territorial units. Code of ethics and professional conduct of civil servants and contract staff within the Judicial Inspection. National Agency for Fiscal Administration. The deadline for submission of the Single Declaration is May 25, 2020

Extension of the validity of some contracts for the financing of the systematic registration works initiated by the administrative-territorial units. In the Official Journal  no. 151 of February 25, 2020, it was published the Order no. 691/2020 regarding the amendment… Read more<strong>RLWeek </strong>February 24 – March 1, 2020: Extension of the validity of some contracts for the financing of the systematic registration works initiated by the administrative-territorial units. Code of ethics and professional conduct of civil servants and contract staff within the Judicial Inspection. National Agency for Fiscal Administration. The deadline for submission of the Single Declaration is May 25, 2020