Female appointments to European financial services boardrooms fell year-on-year in 2023, amid growing demand for C-suite experience

Female appointments to European financial services boardrooms fell year-on-year in 2023, amid growing demand for C-suite experience Gender split: 44% of European financial services directors appointed in 2023 were female, down from 51% in 2022 C-suite experience: 59% of all directors appointed… Read moreFemale appointments to European financial services boardrooms fell year-on-year in 2023, amid growing demand for C-suite experience

Radu Diaconu becomes partner with EY Romania, within the tax and legal consultancy team

Radu Diaconu becomes, as of July 2022, partner with EY Romania, within the tax and legal consultancy department (Tax & Law). Radu is a lawyer specializing in business consultancy and has a professional experience of over 15 years, out of… Read moreRadu Diaconu becomes partner with EY Romania, within the tax and legal consultancy team

European Commission to initiate the revision of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive

The European Commission committed to review the Non-Financial Reporting Directive in 2020, as part of the approach to strengthen the strategy for sustainable investment. On 20 February 2020, in line with its commitment, the Commission launched a public consultation[1] concerning… Read moreEuropean Commission to initiate the revision of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive