CJEU. C-600/22 P | Puigdemont i Casamajó and Comín i Oliveres v Parliament. The Court of Justice definitively dismisses the action brought by Mr Puigdemont and Mr Comín against the refusal of the President of the European Parliament to recognise their status as Members of the European Parliament in June 201926/09/2024VARIA
CJEU. C-768/21 | Land Hessen. Personal data protection: the supervisory authority is not obliged to exercise a corrective power in all cases of breach and, in particular, to impose a fine26/09/2024Week in a nutshell
CJEU. C-330/23 | Aldi Süd. A price reduction announced in an advertisement must be calculated on the basis of the lowest price in the last 30 days26/09/2024VARIA