Revision of the Rules regulating the customs control of the trade activity of merchandise in duty-free regime16/08/2015Week in a nutshell
Law regarding the appeals concerning the award of public procurement contracts | Draft26/07/2015Week in a nutshell
HCCJ. Non-existence of copyright over a telecast with astrological themes12/07/2015Week in a nutshell
CJUE. Refusal of the fiscal authorities to grant an adjustment of the VAT which was paid for following the conclusion of two leasing contracts05/07/2015Week in a nutshell
HCCJ. Absence of the court’s examination of the mutual obligations undertaken by the parties14/06/2015Week in a nutshell
HCCJ. Action for the annulment of certain decisions of the board of directors. Objection of inadmissibility07/06/2015Week in a nutshell