HCCJ. Action for the annulment of certain decisions of the board of directors. Objection of inadmissibility

The High Court of Cassation and Justice ruled that the decisions of the board of directors can only be annulled by way of resolution of the annual general meeting, with regards to the activity of controlling the administrators’ management. The cases… Read moreHCCJ. Action for the annulment of certain decisions of the board of directors. Objection of inadmissibility

HCCJ. Unilateral denunciation clause in a promissory purchase and sale agreement

*debate Almost an agreement: The promissory agreement [LEGAL DEBATES] to be seen The High Court of Cassation and Justice ruled that, should it be the case of a unilateral denunciation clause which provides the possibility of the promissory-seller to turnaround… Read moreHCCJ. Unilateral denunciation clause in a promissory purchase and sale agreement

Approval of the Accounting Regulations regarding annual financial statements, which are applicable to entities that are supervised by the FSA | Draft

The Financial Supervisory Authority has subjected to public debate on Thursday, the 14th of May 2015, the draft of the Regulation laying down the approval of the Accounting Regulations regarding annual financial statements and consolidated financial statements, which are applicable… Read moreApproval of the Accounting Regulations regarding annual financial statements, which are applicable to entities that are supervised by the FSA | Draft

HCCJ. Action regarding the passing of a judgment to replace an authenticated purchase agreement. Limitation period

The High Court of Cassation and Justice ruled that the action by means of which the beneficiary of a bilateral promise to sell (legal act through which the parties bound themselves to conclude a buy or sell contract in the… Read moreHCCJ. Action regarding the passing of a judgment to replace an authenticated purchase agreement. Limitation period