RLWeek 15-21 February 2021: Law project on preventing and combating doping in sport. Project on best practices guide for purchasing medical devices. New provisions regarding the European Public Prosecutor’s Office: Amendment of the Code of Criminal Procedure and of GEO no. 66/2011. The European Commission. Public consultation on modernizing judicial cooperation between EU countries and the use of digital technology

Law project on preventing and combating doping in sport On Friday, the 19 of February, 2021, the National Anti-Doping Agency launched in public debate the draft Law on preventing and combating doping in sports. Project on best practices guide for… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> 15-21 February 2021: Law project on preventing and combating doping in sport. Project on best practices guide for purchasing medical devices. New provisions regarding the European Public Prosecutor’s Office: Amendment of the Code of Criminal Procedure and of GEO no. 66/2011. The European Commission. Public consultation on modernizing judicial cooperation between EU countries and the use of digital technology

RLWeek January 4-10, 2021: Entry into force of the Agreement on Civil Aviation Security between the EU and China. The implementation of the intelligent transport systems. Establishing the institutional framework and the necessary measures to set up the national access point. Law no. 2/2021 on some measures to prevent and combat anti-Gypsyism

Entry into force of the Agreement on Civil Aviation Security between the EU and China The Official Journal of the European Union no. 3 of 7 January 2021 published the Report on the entry into force of the Agreement on… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> January 4-10, 2021: Entry into force of the Agreement on Civil Aviation Security between the EU and China. The implementation of the intelligent transport systems. Establishing the institutional framework and the necessary measures to set up the national access point. Law no. 2/2021 on some measures to prevent and combat anti-Gypsyism

RLWeek June 8-14, 2020: The internal regulations of the prosecutor’s offices were supplemented with rules for carrying out the activity in exceptional situations. The procedure for connecting electronic fiscal cash registers. The legislative activity in the field of international judicial cooperation

The establishment, organization and reorganization of ministries. UPDATE: approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance. It is published in the Official Gazette no. 493 of June 10, 2020, Law no. 77/2020 for the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 68/2019… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> June 8-14, 2020: The internal regulations of the prosecutor’s offices were supplemented with rules for carrying out the activity in exceptional situations. The procedure for connecting electronic fiscal cash registers. The legislative activity in the field of international judicial cooperation

RLWeek May 11-17, 2020: The modification of some of the provisions that refer to granting emergency certificates. Categories of persons exempted from quarantine. The manner in which reports and other documents in electronic format are sent to the ASF

The manner in which reports and other documents in electronic format are sent to the ASF (The Financial Supervisory Authority). We find published in the Official Gazette no. 388 of May 14, 2020, Instruction no. 3/2020 on the transmission of… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> May 11-17, 2020: The modification of some of the provisions that refer to granting emergency certificates. Categories of persons exempted from quarantine. The manner in which reports and other documents in electronic format are sent to the ASF

RLWeek March 16-23, 2020: The Chambers of Deputies and the Senate shall meet in sessions by use of electronic means in exceptional situations. Some of the economic and fiscal-budgetary measures adopted in the context of the extraordinary circumstances triggered by the COVID-19 outbreak. The Penal Code was changed

Some of the economic and fiscal-budgetary measures adopted in the context of the extraordinary circumstances triggered by the COVID-19 outbreak. The Penal Code was changed. The Official Gazette no. 228 of March 20, 2020 published the Government Emergency Ordinance no…. Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> March 16-23, 2020: The Chambers of Deputies and the Senate shall meet in sessions by use of electronic means in exceptional situations. Some of the economic and fiscal-budgetary measures adopted in the context of the extraordinary circumstances triggered by the COVID-19 outbreak. The Penal Code was changed

RLWeek February 17-23, 2020: The Law for sanctioning acts that violate provisions protecting social cohabitation, acts of disorderly conduct and public nuisance is republished. The rules for the performance of inspection activities by the economic-financial inspection body

The Law for sanctioning acts that violate provisions protecting social cohabitation, acts of disorderly conduct and public nuisance is republished On 18 of February 2020, The Official Gazette no. 125 republished Law no. 61/1991 for sanctioning acts that violate provisions… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> February 17-23, 2020: The Law for sanctioning acts that violate provisions protecting social cohabitation, acts of disorderly conduct and public nuisance is republished. The rules for the performance of inspection activities by the economic-financial inspection body

RLWeek December 23-29, 2019: The rescission of the compensatory appeal has come into effect. 30.000 foreign workers have been admitted to be part of the Romanian Labour Market

The rescission of the compensatory appeal has come into effect In the Official Gazette no. 1028 of the 20th of December 2019 it has been published law no. 240/2019 regarding the rescission of Law no. 169/2017 regarding the modification and… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> December 23-29, 2019: The rescission of the compensatory appeal has come into effect. 30.000 foreign workers have been admitted to be part of the Romanian Labour Market

RLWeek December 2-8, 2019: The new Regulation on the organization and functioning of the Competition Council. The modification of some of the provisions regarding the assigning employer sponsored housing out of the housing stock of the Ministry of Justice

The new Regulation on the organization and functioning of the Competition Council. The Order no. 985/2019 regarding the implementation of the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the Competition Council was published in the Official Gazette no. 976 of the… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> December 2-8, 2019: The new Regulation on the organization and functioning of the Competition Council. The modification of some of the provisions regarding the assigning employer sponsored housing out of the housing stock of the Ministry of Justice

RLWeek November 4-9, 2019: The Uber-Yango Ordinance has been approved by Parliament with slight modifications. The National Administration Institute shall no longer exist. Provisions for the functioning of the National Franchise Registry

The Uber-Yango Ordinance has been approved by Parliament with slight modifications. In the Official Gazette number 901 of the 7thof November 2019 it as published Law no. 204/2019 for the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 49/2019 regarding alternative transport… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> November 4-9, 2019: The Uber-Yango Ordinance has been approved by Parliament with slight modifications. The National Administration Institute shall no longer exist. Provisions for the functioning of the National Franchise Registry

RLWeek October 14-19, 2019: The regulation of the activity of the National Integrity Agency. The National Franchise Register was announced to be set-up. Earmarking based on administrative territorial units of broken down VAT amounts in order to balance the local budget

1. The regulation of the activity of the National Integrity Agency. The regulation of the activity of the National Integrity agency, dated the 10 of October 2019, was published in the Official Gazette number 841 of 16 October 2019. The… Read more<b>RLWeek</b> October 14-19, 2019: The regulation of the activity of the National Integrity Agency. The National Franchise Register was announced to be set-up. Earmarking based on administrative territorial units of broken down VAT amounts in order to balance the local budget