PwC Women in Work Index: Progress for women in work could be back at 2017 levels by the end of 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic08/03/2021Week in a nutshell
CITR: 2021, the year of prevention in business. Companies must be prepared to anticipate changes and invest in solutions that would help them better manage the risks03/03/2021VARIA
HR Barometer: Romanians opted for job security in 2020. Staff turnover in Romanian companies decreased to 17.2%16/02/2021PwC
PwC Report: The productivity boost from 5G technology will add USD 1.3 trillion to global GDP by 203008/02/2021PwC
Deloitte study: the COVID-19 crisis will accelerate the CEE banking sector consolidation; Romania had one of the largest number of banking transactions in the region28/01/2021DELOITTE
PwC and World Economic Forum report: Investments in upskilling would lead to the creation of 5.3 million net new jobs by 203026/01/2021PwC
PwC Report: M&A global activity expected to accelerate in the next six to twelve months due to abundant available capital22/01/2021PwC
PwC Outlook: The global economy is projected to rebound by early 2022, with the fastest rate recorded in the 21st century11/01/2021PwC