Book launch: Arbitration in Romania, October 27, 2016, Embassy of Romania in Paris

Arbitration in Romania: A Practitioner’s Guide provides an overview of the Romanian arbitration law and practice and is the first detailed presentation in English of the current legal framework applicable to arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution methods in Romania…. Read moreBook launch: Arbitration in Romania, October 27, 2016, Embassy of Romania in Paris

International Conference Shaping Constitutional Rules for a Balanced Budget / 21st-22nd of November 2014, Bucharest

Centre of Constitutional Law of the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest and The Institut Louis Favoreu-Groupe d’études et de recherches comparées sur la justice constitutionelle ILF – GERJC din cadrul Facultăţii de Drept şi Ştiinţe Politice, Universitatea Aix-Marseille are… Read moreInternational Conference Shaping Constitutional Rules for a Balanced Budget / 21st-22nd of November 2014, Bucharest