The Declaration regarding the sums resulting from the adjustment / the amendment of the adjustments / VAT regularization form | Draft

The National Agency for Fiscal Administration launched a public debate on Monday, 1 February 2016, concerning the Order Project for the approval of the model and the content of form 307 (“Declaration regarding the sums resulting from the adjustment/ the amendment… Read moreThe Declaration regarding the sums resulting from the adjustment / the amendment of the adjustments / VAT regularization form | Draft

Conditions that must be met in order for an agreement to be regarded as being an administrative one

The High Court of Cassation and Justice of Romania ruled that, according to the provisions of article 2 paragraph (1) letter c), the second thesis of the Law no. 554/2004 of the Contentious Administrative, there are two conditions which should… Read moreConditions that must be met in order for an agreement to be regarded as being an administrative one