RLWeek May 17-23, 2021: Rules and exceptions to wearing a protective mask at work. The approval of the Agreement amending and reconfirming the Financing Agreement between Romania and the European Investment Fund. The amendment of a provision ref. to the leadership of the Interministerial Committee for Public Procurement. Law no. 146/2021 on electronic monitoring in judicial and enforcement criminal proceedings. UPDATE: clarifications from the ministry of internal affairs
Rules and exceptions to wearing a protective mask at work It was published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 506 of May 14, 2021, Order no. 699/67/2021 for the modification of the Order of the Minister of Health and… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> May 17-23, 2021: Rules and exceptions to wearing a protective mask at work. The approval of the Agreement amending and reconfirming the Financing Agreement between Romania and the European Investment Fund. The amendment of a provision ref. to the leadership of the Interministerial Committee for Public Procurement. Law no. 146/2021 on electronic monitoring in judicial and enforcement criminal proceedings. UPDATE: clarifications from the ministry of internal affairs