RLWeek June 21-27, 2021: Amendment of the Statute for Police Officers. National Strategy for Integrated Management of the State Border of Romania 2021 – 2027. National Agency for Fiscal Administration. Procedure regarding the internal control activity.27/06/2021Week in a nutshell
RLWeek May 23-30, 2021: National Strategy on drugs for 2021-2025. Methodology on allotment differences and natural gas distribution regularisation amended. Law on ambient noise amended. Government Decision on national healthcare programs amended and supplemented. Order regarding care for critical condition patients in the ICU amended.30/05/2021Week in a nutshell
RLWeek May 17-23, 2021: Rules and exceptions to wearing a protective mask at work. The approval of the Agreement amending and reconfirming the Financing Agreement between Romania and the European Investment Fund. The amendment of a provision ref. to the leadership of the Interministerial Committee for Public Procurement. Law no. 146/2021 on electronic monitoring in judicial and enforcement criminal proceedings. UPDATE: clarifications from the ministry of internal affairs24/05/2021Week in a nutshell
RLWeek May 10-16, 2021: Amendment and completion of the National Education Law no. 1/2011. Amendment of the Law on the restitution of buildings abusively taken over during the communist regime in Romania. Amendment of the Government Decision regarding the organization and functioning of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy within the Ministry of Internal Affairs.16/05/2021Week in a nutshell
RLWeek March 22-29, 2021: Amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the Chamber of Deputies. Project concerning the maximum expenditure ceiling for housing, accommodation and travel of prefects and sub-prefects. European Commission proposes package of measures to ensure respect for children’s rights and support for children in need. Romanian Senate. Comments on the Asylum and Migration Package29/03/2021Week in a nutshell
RLWeek March 8 – 14, 2021: New provisions regarding ski slopes during state of emergency. Certain fiscal-budgetary measures and normative acts amended. Sanitary authorisations for medical assistance activities in hospitals extended. Law regarding explosive precursors. Equal opportunities and treatment of women and men and prevention of domestic violence bill. State of emergency extended on the territory of Romania13/03/2021Week in a nutshell