PwC Study: 80% of companies that strategically address cybersecurity risks manage them more efficiently

Nearly 80% of the companies that have implemented business-driven cybersecurity strategy have anticipated and managed more efficiently the new risks associated with the activity digitization projects, according PwC Digital Trust Insights global survey. Also, 60% of these companies are significantly… Read morePwC Study: 80% of companies that strategically address cybersecurity risks manage them more efficiently

PwC Academy launches the first authorised trainings for the new created Data Protection Officer job

PwC Romania together with its correspondent law firm D&B David si Baias have obtained authorisation of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) training course issued by the Labor and Social Justice Ministry and the National Education Ministry. With this certification, PwC… Read morePwC Academy launches the first authorised trainings for the new created Data Protection Officer job

Investments in security efforts are driven more by regulatory requirements and not by the actual awareness of the ongoing IT security threats, shows a joint PwC Romania and Microsoft survey

According to a joint PwC Romania and Microsoft Romania survey launched today, “Security in the Digital World”, investments in cybersecurity are mostly driven by regulatory requirements instead of the organizations awareness of the actual and ongoing IT security threats. On… Read moreInvestments in security efforts are driven more by regulatory requirements and not by the actual awareness of the ongoing IT security threats, shows a joint PwC Romania and Microsoft survey