CEE: Schoenherr named Leading Law Firm in South East Europe by Chambers

Schoenherr has been recognized as “South East Europe Law Firm of the Year” (2015) by the renowned legal publisher Chambers and Partners. Schoenherr lawyers Monica Cojocaru (partner; Bucharest), Miloš Laković (partner, Moravčević, Vojnović & partneri OAD in cooperation with Schoenherr;… Read moreCEE: Schoenherr named Leading Law Firm in South East Europe by Chambers

Romania: Shortcut to Power Supply and Trading‎ Activities for EU Operators

An updated regulation on the licensing regime in Romania’s power sector was recently adopted by ANRE, the national regulatory authority. On 17 March 2015, Order no. 12/2015 on the Regulation for granting licenses and authorizations in the electricity sector („Order… Read moreRomania: Shortcut to Power Supply and Trading‎ Activities for EU Operators