PwC Women in Work Index: Progress for women in work could be back at 2017 levels by the end of 2021 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic08/03/2021Week in a nutshell
HR Barometer: Romanians opted for job security in 2020. Staff turnover in Romanian companies decreased to 17.2%16/02/2021PwC
PwC Romania Survey: 65% of companies didn’t apply measures to reduce employee costs in the first two months of the state of emergency27/05/2020PwC
PwC survey on the impact of COVID-19 on businesses: 37% have fully or partially interrupted activity, 27% will definitely apply for technical unemployment31/03/2020PwC
PwC survey on the impact of COVID-19 on business: 18% of respondents estimate a decrease of revenues up to 20%16/03/2020PwC
PayWell 2019: 25% of companies consider importing employees to cover their workforce shortage. On the long-term, other solutions are needed28/10/2019PwC
PwC Report: Over the next ten years, 600,000 jobs in Romania, affected by digital transformation02/07/2019PwC
The average wages in private sector increased by 6.4% in 2018, according to PwC’s PayWell survey17/10/2018PwC
Extending people’s working lives could add US$ 3.5 trillion to OECD GDP in long run – PwC27/06/2018PwC
Workers facing up to completely retraining or reskilling to tackle technology’s impact on employment13/09/2017PwC