RLWeek June 21-27, 2021: Amendment of the Statute for Police Officers. National Strategy for Integrated Management of the State Border of Romania 2021 – 2027. National Agency for Fiscal Administration. Procedure regarding the internal control activity.

Amendment of the Statute for Police Officers. Draft. On Friday, June 25, 2021, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has launched for public debate the draft of Government Emergency Ordinance for amending and supplementing Law no. 360/2002 on the Statute of… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> June 21-27, 2021: Amendment of the Statute for Police Officers. National Strategy for Integrated Management of the State Border of Romania 2021 – 2027. National Agency for Fiscal Administration. Procedure regarding the internal control activity.

RLWeek May 31- June 6, 2021: Competition methodology for the functions of director and deputy director of pre-university education. Approval of the List of military products subject to the control of exports, imports and other operations. Amendment of the Government Decision on the establishment of the national mechanism for promoting social inclusion in Romania.

Competition methodology for the functions of director and deputy director of pre-university education. Draft.  On Friday, June 4, 2021, the Ministry of Education has launched for public debate the draft of the Methodology on the organization and the development of… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> May 31- June 6, 2021: Competition methodology for the functions of director and deputy director of pre-university education. Approval of the List of military products subject to the control of exports, imports and other operations. Amendment of the Government Decision on the establishment of the national mechanism for promoting social inclusion in Romania.

RLWeek May 10-16, 2021: Amendment and completion of the National Education Law no. 1/2011. Amendment of the Law on the restitution of buildings abusively taken over during the communist regime in Romania. Amendment of the Government Decision regarding the organization and functioning of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy within the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Amendment and completion of the National Education Law no. 1/2011. Draft. On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, the Ministry of Education has launched for public debate the draft of Government Emergency Ordinance amending and supplementing the National Education Law no. 1/2011,… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> May 10-16, 2021: Amendment and completion of the National Education Law no. 1/2011. Amendment of the Law on the restitution of buildings abusively taken over during the communist regime in Romania. Amendment of the Government Decision regarding the organization and functioning of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy within the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

RLWeek April 5-11, 2021: Modification of the adoption procedure. Amendment and completion of Law no. 185/2017 on quality assurance in the health system. Amendment of Regulation no. 3/2006 on the authorization, organization and operation of the Investor Compensation Fund

Amendment of Regulation no. 3/2006 on the authorization, organization and operation of the Investor Compensation Fund. Draft. On Thursday, April 8, 2021, the Financial Supervisory Authority has launched in public debate the draft Regulation for amending and supplementing Regulation no…. Read more<strong>RLWeek </strong>April 5-11, 2021: Modification of the adoption procedure. Amendment and completion of Law no. 185/2017 on quality assurance in the health system. Amendment of Regulation no. 3/2006 on the authorization, organization and operation of the Investor Compensation Fund

RLWeek March 15-21, 2021: Amendments and completions of the public procurement legislation. Organisation and functioning of the Ministry of Culture. Organisation and functioning of the Ministry of Energy.

Amendments and completions of the public procurement legislation. Draft. On Saturday, March 20, 2021, the National Agency for Public Procurement has launched for public debate the draft of Government Emergency Ordinance on amending and supplementing the legislation in the field… Read more<strong>RLWeek </strong>March 15-21, 2021: Amendments and completions of the public procurement legislation. Organisation and functioning of the Ministry of Culture. Organisation and functioning of the Ministry of Energy.

RLWeek March 1-7, 2021: Order for the regulation of some accounting aspects. Amendments of the Law on financial instruments markets. Government Emergency Ordinance on amending and supplementing the National Education Law.

Order for the regulation of some accounting aspects. Draft. On Thursday, March 4, 2021, the Ministry of Finance has launched for public debate the draft Order for the regulation of some accounting issues. [Source] Amendments of the Law on financial… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> March 1-7, 2021: Order for the regulation of some accounting aspects. Amendments of the Law on financial instruments markets. Government Emergency Ordinance on amending and supplementing the National Education Law.

RLWeek February 1-7, 2021: Recognition guide of situations of high risk of money laundering and terrorist financing. Amendments to the Administrative Code. Methodological norms regarding the secondment of employees within the provision of transnational services on the Romanian territory.

Recognition guide of situations of high risk of money laundering and terrorist financing. Draft. On Friday, February 5, 2021, the National Office for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering has launched for public debate the draft Guide on the… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> February 1-7, 2021: Recognition guide of situations of high risk of money laundering and terrorist financing. Amendments to the Administrative Code. Methodological norms regarding the secondment of employees within the provision of transnational services on the Romanian territory.

RLWeek January 11-17, 2021: Agreement between Romania and the USA on cooperation in the nuclear-electric field. Amendment of the methodological norms regarding the organization and management of the accounting of public institutions. Ratification of the Agreement between Romania and Ukraine on technical-military cooperation.

Agreement between Romania and the USA on cooperation in the nuclear-electric field.  On Thursday, January 14, 2021, the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism has launched for public debate the draft Decision approving the Agreement between the Government of Romania… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> January 11-17, 2021: Agreement between Romania and the USA on cooperation in the nuclear-electric field. Amendment of the methodological norms regarding the organization and management of the accounting of public institutions. Ratification of the Agreement between Romania and Ukraine on technical-military cooperation.

RLWeek May 25-31, 2020: Completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance on traffic on public roads. Amendment of the Order for establishing the types of conventions on the transport of persons with disabilities. Amendment of the Government Ordinance no. 6/2019 on the establishment of some fiscal facilities

Completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance on traffic on public roads. In the Official Journal of Romania no. 451 of May 28, 2020 it was published the Decision no. 424/2020 for completing the Regulation for the application of the Government… Read more<strong>RLWeek</strong> May 25-31, 2020: Completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance on traffic on public roads. Amendment of the Order for establishing the types of conventions on the transport of persons with disabilities. Amendment of the Government Ordinance no. 6/2019 on the establishment of some fiscal facilities

RLWeek April 20-26, 2020: Amendment and completion of some orders of the president of National Agency for Fiscal Administration regarding the approval of the models of some forms used in the field of tax receivables collection. The Ministry of Public Finance launches the electronic multiple payment order. Instruction of the Ministry of Education and Research for creating and / or strengthening the capacity of the pre-university education system through online learning

Amendment and completion of some orders of the president of National Agency for Fiscal Administration regarding the approval of the models of some forms used in the field of tax receivables collection. Draft. On Thursday, April 23, 2020, the National Agency for Fiscal… Read more<strong>RLWeek </strong>April 20-26, 2020: Amendment and completion of some orders of the president of National Agency for Fiscal Administration regarding the approval of the models of some forms used in the field of tax receivables collection. The Ministry of Public Finance launches the electronic multiple payment order. Instruction of the Ministry of Education and Research for creating and / or strengthening the capacity of the pre-university education system through online learning